What could a UBI do for my Union?

Posted on April 10, 2024

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Members of Trade Unions and Professional Organisations may be interested in this discussion.

Topic: What could a UBI do for my Union?

When? Wednesday, May 8, 2024 6:30 PM-8:00 PM Online (Zoom)

How could a Universal Basic Income (UBI) benefit unions and their members?  Come to a discussion about how a UBI could:

Chair: Maddy Radcliff– Campaigns and Social Media Manager, Communications and Government Relations for the Musicians’ Union.

John McDonnell MP – Labour MP for Hayes and Harlington and former Shadow Chancellor
Vicky Blake – Leeds University UCU Honorary Secretary and former UCU General Secretary contender
Jonathan Rhys Williams – Lawyer GMB Wales and South West and Co-founder of UBI Lab Wales

For more information and free registration, please visit:
