Cost of Living Crisis! UBI trials are one answer!

Posted on April 22, 2022

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We are facing a terrible Cost of Living Crisis in the UK this year. The poorest part of our communities will be worst affected by the combination of sky-rocketing energy and food prices. A Universal Basic Income (UBI) which is adequate for basic living expenses is one way to address this crisis.

On 5 May there will be local elections in Leeds and many other parts of the UK. You may want to contact your local council candidates, your actual councillors and your local political parties and ask them to support local UBI trials.  UBI Lab Leeds has drafted a letter for you:


Re: Cost of Living Crisis and Councillor Pledge 2022 on UBI

Dear {{Their Name}},

I am writing to you as a local citizen and voter {your post code} to ask you to support the Councillor Pledge 2022 for a Universal Basic Income (UBI). You can find the UBI Pledge here.

Recently, Rishi Sunak announced this government’s spring budget. Living standards are set for the single largest fall in one year since the Office of National Statistics records began in the mid 1950s. This government will oversee a 5 per cent fall in the real value of welfare benefits through 2022-23.

The policies introduced in the statement will do nothing to alleviate the cost of living crisis. We need a greater investment in social security and a basic income is a policy that should be seriously considered and tested.

By signing the Councillor Pledge 2022 for UBI you will demonstrate a commitment to addressing the cost of living crisis. Adequate social security is an essential component of “levelling up” and a fair society. UBI can be an approach and societal institution to weather storms like COVID and the impact of the war in Ukraine on our economy. Moreover UBI will allow us to address the ecological and climate crises and create a caring society where people are enabled and empowered to care for themselves, their families, communities and our natural environment.

Please sign the Councillor Pledge 2022 for UBI and support a Universal Basic Income trial in our area.

Kind Regards

{Your name}


You can download the letter here and modify it. Please send it to your local council candidates. You can find the names of your local council candidates and how to contact them regarding their position on UBI at   . You can use a modified version of the letter and send it to your actual councillors and local political parties. Good luck and let us know about any responses by emailing !