Dear UBI Friends and Supporters,
Please find below our updates of the month:
1) Public campaign on UBI Workshop
This is our monthly UBI Lab Network meeting arranged as a workshop on Tuesday 15 August 18-19:30hrs BST. Everybody is welcome. You can find out more and register for the event at
2) Basic Income Movement Media Training
hosted by the Autonomy and Basic Income Conversation team and will take place on Wednesday, 16th August 14-16hrs BST. The training will help people communicate with the media and the public about Basic Income. Everybody is welcome. You can find out more and register for the event at
3) In case you missed the Basic Income North Conference 2023, you can read a summary written by UBI Lab Manchester member Louis Strappazzon and watch the recordings of all the sessions here.
4) You can join the UBI Lab Network as individual member and start the process here.
5) In case you missed the online launch on 10 August how an international carbon tax could fund a global Basic Income of the climate justice research group Equal Right and the UK think tank Autonomy, you can read their publication on the topic ‘Climate justice without borders: Cap and Share as a mitigation and climate finance solutions’.
If you want to learn more about the concept Cap and Share of fossil fuels, you can visit the websites of the Cap and Share Climate Alliance and the Foundation for the Economics of Sustainability (FEASTA) – Cap and Share, study the Global Climate Plan – Policy Brief of the Global Redistribution Advocates and read the discussion paper “It’s a Very Western Vision of the World” – How ideological bias and structural inequality prevent the IPCC from exploring possibilities for fundamental transformation. The discussion is not only an urgent call for action but also a critical assessment of the recently published third part of the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) report.
6) The civil society organisation Mother’s Outreach Network in Washington D.C. (USA) will provide $500 a month for three years to black mothers with recent or current child welfare involvement. The pilot is based on research which has found that supplementing low-income families’ incomes can dramatically slash childhood poverty and instances of abuse and neglect. You can read the online article at
7) The Freiburg Institute for Basic Income Studies (FRIBIS) has published a five-part lecture series:
Prof. Dr. Milena Buchs (University of Leeds)
Sustainable welfare: How do universal basic income and universal basic services compare?
Assit.-Prof. Dr. Femke Roosma (Tilburg University)
Between left and right: A discourse network analysis of Universal Basic Income on Dutch Twitter
Assist.-Prof. Dr. Pilar Gonalons-Pons (University of Pennsylvania)
Exit, voice and loyalty in the family: findings from a basic income experiment
Prof. Dr. Tim Vlandas (University of Oxford)
The political economy of individual-level support for the basic income in Europe
Dr. Leire Rincón (Autonomous University of Barcelona)
A Robin Hood for all: a conjoint experiment on support for basic income
8) BBC Sounds has produced an interesting podcast: Moral Maze – Is idleness good for us?
Universal Basic Income is mentioned at 40 minutes for about 4 minutes.
9) Prof Guy Standing has published an encouraging commentary ‘A Revolution by Stealth? Basic Income Experiments Proliferate’ related to the Welsh Basic Income scheme for social care leavers.
10) Guy Standing has also written an important article in Prospect: How the UK monarchy cashes in on our seabed. The royal family has made millions from the exploitation of the seabed—a resource that belongs to us all. Is it time for people and planet to be put ahead of profit? We need to ask ourselves: Should the Commons be exploited for the profits of a few or used to finance a Basic Income for All?
11) Zack Polanski from the Green Party and Member of the London Assembly asks on 20 July the Mayor of London Sadiq Khan how he intends to make Universal Basic Income (UBI) trials a reality in London. You can watch the video recording (7 min) here.
12) The All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Inclusive Growth has published a survey of 2000 UK adults in February and March this year: Towards the manifestos: What’s the agenda for fixing poverty and tackling inequality? Universal Basic Income has been included as one policy option.
13) Malcolm Torry from the Basic Income Earth Network has written the Monograph book ‘A Research Agenda for Basic Income’ published by Edward Elgar in June this year. He assesses the history, current state, and future of research in the field of Basic Income. You can read the introduction and get an overview of the book here.
14) This month the 22nd Basic Income Congress Network Congress will take place in Seoul, Korea, from 23 to 26 August 2023 as a four-day online-offline hybrid. You can download the final programme at
The next Congress in 2024 will take place in Bath in the UK!
Best wishes
reinhard on behalf of UBI Lab Leeds