The next event of Café Économique Leeds will be on Tuesday 18th January 2022 online via zoom@ 19.30hrs GMT.
Simon Duffy and Anna Coote from the New Economics Foundation will speak on “Universal Basic Income and Universal Basic Services: Complementary or Competitive? Do we need to choose?“
Simon Duffy will argue that advocacy for Universal Basic Income (UBI) is our best chance to fight growing poverty, insecurity and inequality. Basic income does not only help us tackle many of the serious economic problems we face but it also opens the door to a more empowered, healthy and engaged democracy.
Anna Coote will talk about “Life’s essentials for all: the case for universal basic services and the Social Guarantee.”
Dr Simon Duffy is Director of Citizen Network Research and President of Citizen Network Coop. Over the last 30 years his work has focused on how to create a world where everyone can be an active and valued citizen. In 2016 co-founded UBI Lab Sheffield and the UBI Lab Network and there are now 44 UBI Labs around the world, all promoting the case for basic income. He has also been very active in exploring how the principles Universal Basic Income (UBI) can also be used to reform disability benefits. For more information about Simon and his work:
Anna Coote is Principal Fellow at the New Economics Foundation (NEF). A leading analyst, writer and advocate in social policy, she has written widely on social justice, sustainable development, working time, public health policy, public involvement and democratic dialogue, gender and equality. She is co-author of The Case for Universal Basic Services (2020 Polity Press) and The Case for a Four Day Week (2020 Polity Press). She directs the Social Guarantee initiative, which promotes collective measures to ensure universal access to life’s essentials.
The zoom meeting details are:
Meeting ID: 829 7487 0950
Passcode: 094726
Hope to see you at this important event!