Testing Basic Income schemes

Posted on August 13, 2020

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During our UBI Lab Leeds meeting in August Malcolm Torry talked about Testing the financial feasibility of Basic Income schemes. You can watch the talk and discussion here. The presentation was based on Malcolm’s recent publication “Evaluation of a Recovery Basic Income, and of a sustainable revenue neutral Citizen’s Basic Income, with an appendix relating to different Universal Credit roll-out scenarios” which you can find here. There are other methods to evaluate the gains and lossess of a basic income scheme which have been explained in an article.

Dr Malcolm Torry recently retired as Director of the Citizen’s Basic Income Trust after twenty-five years in the voluntary post. He is General Manager of BIEN, the Basic Income Earth Network, and was until recently a Visiting Senior Fellow at the London School of Economics. He is the author of several books on Basic Income, and for more than ten years has researched the financial feasibility of Basic Income schemes in collaboration with the Institute for Social and Economic Research at the University of Essex. He is a priest in the Church of England, and for thirty-four years served full-time in South London parishes.

His recently published books are

A Modern Guide to Citizen’s Basic Income: A multidisciplinary approach (Edward Elgar, June 2020)

Why we need a Citizen’s Basic Income (Policy Press, 2018)

and he edited

The Palgrave International Handbook of Basic Income (Palgrave, 2019) .