1st UBI update April

Posted on April 21, 2024

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Please find below our first April update about UBI actions, events and publications:

Support calls to pilot Universal Basic Income in West Yorkshire

Lobby government for the devolved powers needed to pilot local UBI schemes

Work with other Mayors across the UK to call for a new social contract, which includes trialling a national Universal Basic Income scheme.

Bob Buxton from the Yorkshire Party, Andrew Cooper from the Green Party and Steward Golton from the Liberal Democrats have responded that they support Basic Income (BI) pilots in West Yorkshire. The Independent Jonathan Tilt is opposed to Basic Income, while Tracy Brabin from the Labour Party and Arnold Craven from the Conservative Party have not yet responded. You can contact the candidates and congratulate them on their BI position (Bob, Andrew, Stewart) and ask Tracy and Arnold whether they will support BI pilots in West Yorkshire:

Tracy Brabin – Labour and Co-operative Party – tracybrabin4wy@gmail.com
Bob Buxton – Yorkshire Party – bobbuxtonyorkshireparty@gmail.com
Andrew Cooper – Green Party – andrew.cooper@greenparty.org.uk
Arnold Craven – Conservative Party – contact@acforwestyorkshire.co.uk
Stewart Golton – Liberal Democrats – stewart.golton@leeds.gov.uk
Jonathan Tilt – Independent – campaign@jonathan-tilt.co.uk

John McDonnell MP – Labour MP for Hayes and Harlington and former Shadow Chancellor

Vicky Blake – Leeds University UCU Honorary Secretary and former UCU General Secretary contender

Jonathan Rhys Williams – Lawyer GMB Wales and South West and Co-founder of UBI Lab Wales

               For more information and free registration, please visit:


Please inform trade union organisations and their members about this important event. Unfortunately most trade unions have not really appreciated the potential of UBI for their activities!

Social Protection with Leo de Haan (International School of Social Studies, The Hague) and AF Kamanzi (University of Namibia) on 18 April 1-3pm UK time

Social protection, once a peripheral topic in development talks, gained prominence in the late 1990s. Initially seen as too costly for developing nations and primarily benefiting formal sector workers, it evolved with safety net programs emerging in the 1980s to counter the negative effects of structural adjustments. Today, social protection is widely recognized as essential for development, encompassing various elements to enhance livelihoods and address social exclusion. Despite its acceptance, it remains politically contentious. Analyzing key schemes in India, Ethiopia, and Brazil, such as the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act and Bolsa Familia, highlights efforts to combat social exclusion and promote sustainable livelihoods. However, their effectiveness varies, necessitating evaluation through the lenses of protection, prevention, promotion, and transformation. In practice, social protection programs don’t offer a straightforward path out of poverty but aim to provide a safety net, prevent further impoverishment, and foster transformative change. By assessing these programs’ implementation and outcomes, policymakers can better utilize social protection to advance inclusive development agendas.

Zoom Link: https://uni-freiburg.zoom.us/j/66244057843?pwd=eU5rOTlpSTJjcERmUUVnUWhZYmpDZz09

Empirical Normative Research with Tobias Jäger (University of Freiburg) on 25 April 1-3pm UK time

The social contract has a long theoretical history. However, the empirical utilization of this idea is still rarely observed. This presentation focuses on the empirical relevance of social contract experiments to justify normative statements. The foundation of normative goals beyond efficiency is also important for economic science. Further, it discusses the role of social experiments in UBI research and its possible contribution to social policy outputs.

Zoom Link: https://uni-freiburg.zoom.us/j/66244057843?pwd=eU5rOTlpSTJjcERmUUVnUWhZYmpDZz09

Nomahlubi Jakuja, Head of Research will present the insights. Mr Russell Wildeman from UNICEF andMr Dominic Brown from the AIDC will give inputs to the brief. You can be part of the conversation and make invaluable contributions to the work of SPI and colleagues in the promulgation of a UBI in South Africa. You can register at: https://www.spi.net.za/wlpb/

In solidarity and best wishes
reinhard on behalf of UBI Lab Leeds